Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why must i always come back on a Sunday and have an arguement..
How i really hope our goals would meet and thinking unite.
yeah. it started pretty dumb way. Just some poking into me spending my morning at church.
I enthusiatically wanted to share about the new ministry i just started serving. only to be shot down by all the things that pains me to hear it coming from both of you. Yup. theres no solution in this arguement and it will just go on forever. I guess it never occur to them that its my future and i'm probably MORE troubled then them. Although i said.. i'm not sacrificing my studies here. Already choose one that is less time-consuming and i'm sacrificing my sleep here and i wake up on my own (Which is super rare) and so? whats the arguement here. It hurt hearing things like that extra two hours "why not wake up and do housework, why not spend time on tution, why not spend time studying?, you should settle ur studies b4 u spend your time on such things. look at ur sister also not like that?" i guess i must have lost it to shoot back "because both of you have different goals and perspective of life from me".. but it was something etched in my heart that i wanted to say. . No doubt my sis seem to be a living proof that being a christian is not attending church,proclaiming you're a christian, yet emerged super successful in life. So my words can never carry much weight anymore. because i'm just a christian being involved yet unsuccessful. If i ask you how successful are u.. a non-christian measures earthly treasure.. a christian compares their heavenly treasure.. conclusion to them is i'm unsuccessful? It makes me wonder.. will the day really come when u understand my actions? I seem to be fighting for my faith.. alone.

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