Friday, January 25, 2008


Once again another busy week but the meet ups this week actually perk up my wk and i'm really surprised. =) Usually i feel tired meeting up on weekdays after work but i guess the bunch of ppl i met this week really perk my week.

My first birthday sms: Flown in from THAILAND!! =D Fartty daddy!! =D so early though.

Blurest birthday sms: Mr Hew Yin Hou!! sms-ed on thursday thinking its my b'day =p

Second birthday song: School contact time

First birthday celebration:

Clockwise from top:

Yin hou: - the "hello, whats the plan?" when i'm actually beside him.

Two Samanthas : haha good poses =)

Ser Xing: - the efficient planner.

Oh yes.. its my cake that says "school rules" =)

...Secondary School Friends...

Oh yes.. Thankful for this bunch of ppl who celebrated my birthday in advance =) Especially some who had been missing for a long time..No doubt we are really at different pt in our life, 2 studying, 1 pilot-ing, 1 "slacking", 1 teaching.. haha.. yes. so different. Next year with Yin Hou overseas training and 2 going to be overseas on exchange.. hey.. who's gg to be left to celebrate my 21st!! =p Anyway.. you all made my week! the last wk as a teen..

Haha.. we made an interesting club today. its too dumb to say it out. want to meet on the 14th Feb. haha oops i have a date. with another similar club. maybe we should just combine. *lol*

From Mei yi's card:

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Prov 3: 3-4

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