Saturday, May 08, 2010

That's what friends are for

I learnt something new that I can't fit into my vocabulary.

What's the definition of friends?
I thought it was someone to grow and walk with you thru ups and down.

Today I learnt a new definition of it.
The totally opposite of the above sentence.

I guess if that's ur definition of friendship..
Then okay... It's understood.

Sometime it makes me wonder whether there's a line for sharing concern for your friend. On some days, you wonder whether it is worth caring for your friend and yet receive unequal treatment. Although Im very much tempted to say it's not fair and it's not worth doing so. But, I know while I'm angry and irritated, my definition of friendship should not consist of not worth and not fair.

On one hand, I shall intentionally still choose to care and show concern as much as I can.

But if this is the way friends are treated,
then I realized maybe

It wasn't even a friendship to you.

I remember Kester saying if we move out of Cefc,
we'll miss alot of friendship and bonds made.

I ask myself,
what kind of friendship?

Having blogged all these, I probably should be ignored because I'm just feeling the unjust of maintaining a froendship.

God give me the wisdom and love please...
Or maybe I should just ignore it and pretend that this is the right way friends are supposed to be treated
and that it is NORMAL

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