Monday, November 19, 2007


Weekends are always full of updates. Firstly, i thank GOD that last Friday is over. I was SO busy and SO tired before that... the annual prize presentation ended with a bang and so did my duties.. =p Just take a look at my dearest band

Anyway despite my busyness i was glad that i managed to just squeeze time out to have dinner with gene.. though it was suPposed to be with my dearest buddY too who apparantly *cough* last min said he was TOO lazy to come out of the house after i SPECIALLY cancel tution to make time.. *guilty already??!?* hahaa.. oh wells... yup. Just a good chat with Gene anyway =D

Really needed the time off and relax on saturday.. =D had a tremendous great time out with my lunch buddies yah? =D Since i've been pretty busy and stressed over the past week.. watching game plan together then going to play crappy games with our crappy jokes at minds cafe was just really great! (yes yes i can hear u all bugging me to update lunch buddy blog..)


A day that GOD kept reminding me that He was in control. Was pretty worried about what to share during Rays prayer meeting. but i THank GOD for the opportunity. You may think sharing is scary and resist doing so, but i thank GOD because to have the opportunity to share is a blessing because GOD chose to use me to be a blessing to others so i should not fear. =)

Teachers fellowship at church was something new. I was kind of hesitating about gg.. the session turned out really fruitful and beneficial to my walk. I was really glad to have my colleague Ser Lian to pray for me at the fellowship... I used to think there is this certain barriers between senior teachers and beginning teachers.. i guess she reminded me that GOD breaks all such boundaries and we are all GOD's child =D

food for thought "Teaching is a calling... esp Christian teachers"

Nothing also beats just going out for dinner with my family to celebrate my grandma's birthday =D Thank GOD for family!!!

Week ahead is going to be meeting week.. i bought alot of sweets to last me through =pP Pray it'll be a fruitful session...

just this sudden burden GOD seem to be putting in my heart. Its funny how the reminder comes on the same day. Once again reminding me to look deep inside and question about whether i have really forgiven.. I am able to say so, but i guess GOD questions the heart.. *thinks*... just something i'm always chucking away thinking its not super important issue anyway

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