Sunday, February 25, 2007
Cool.. just thought these tracts were pretty cool... =D check it out!

Church last Sunday was great... well.. though i spent almost 5 hours at church and having to wake up early too. Wondering what i spent so long there?
ha.. well.. spent the first half day joining RAYs... also the young adults of church.
Feels wierd to be called young adults.. mm...
Looking at RAYS i kind of miss YF at Jurong Calvary BP church..
because the fellowship there had always been true and close to heart.
I really miss the camps. =D
Although, its really still wierd to be in a "foreign" church fitting in.
Thank God for Yah Ting =)
Anyway the "senior christians" in RaYs were really friendly too though..
yups.. and i got myself a CG anyway.
After the game and interaction session.. we had a more impt agenda on hand.
Just about a week ago, the sermon was on taking the lead.. stepping up..
somehow Yah Ting and i saw a post on the church bulletin that says sunbeam ministry need helpers..
Yah Ting asked me and i agreed in a flash.. somehow this just feels like a calling..
the calling to serve in a ministry..
i Thank God for Yah Ting... spiritually she's at the same level as me...
Its hard to explain how spritually same we are.. but i know..
both of us looking to be involved, serve the Lord, Grow spiritually (though we're v. lost)...
somehow to have Yah Ting to be able to grow together with..
i know for sure.. this random meeting had been in His plans.. because you're like God sent!
so, this wk we were supposed to observe the 12 o clock sunbeam service..
gee.. sunbeam ministry is the kids ministry the ones kids go to when adults go to service!
gosh..... i just feel their innocence...
Service started with sing a long sessions too..
"How Great is Our God" ...... heard this song in adult's service once, but hearing the CHilDREN sing melts your heart... as it melted mine.. =D
seeing them pray furthur sparks you... because... there was once a pastor said..
children dare to ask from God.. somehow we lose this along the way..
their prayer may go, "God may i have more sweets." or
" God my brother is so irritating that cn you just make him disappear"
It's not that demanding from God is right..
but they dare to pray for issues that we would keep to ourselves..
things that as we grow older, we no longer communicate with God..
gee.. its a cuter sight seeing them squish their 2 hands together.
============================================I love Sundays===
Thank God.

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