Sunday, May 07, 2006

Stars in the sky

Gazing out my window
At the peaceful moonlit sky
In life I'd reached a new low
And was left wondering why

Those dusty untouched memories
Had then moved from their shelf
Each one holding a special key
Unlocking a room within myself

The pain was freely roaming
Around my weak and tired soul
All the happiness was foaming
And leaving, popping like bubbles. Whole.

A diseased mind I may have had
But I was still "there" enough to dream
This world, not myself, is the enemy
Which proves things aren't always as they seem

So each and every night I return here
To my beloved windowsill
To make a wish upon a star. With no fear
That its sure to come true. It will.

And each night that I return here
I know that my wishes are heard and seen
Cause theres a new star in the stratosphere
Shining, glowing, absolutely sheen

My wishes may not be completely
Answered each word for each word
But they have come together concretely
Into a life worth fighting for

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