Thursday, December 30, 2004


haiya.... i typed a whole lot of words and my internet had problems and it didn't get publish. now i've to retype! :S ... lots lots to say... well.. reading the headlines really really very depressing huh. but i always believe on looking on the brighter side.. End times are coming, God is returning.... *cheers* .. yup...
"when such disasters strike some people blame God. I've learned in my life not to do this. God loves all His children. I know that before, during and after this latest disaster, God was/is there. There will be many stories of survival, of protection, that will emerge. But right now my prayers are pouring out to those who are experiencing first hand the shock of this tragedy. I want them to feel God's love comforting, supporting, bringing them through this ordeal. "

-- well yup this is quoted and exactly what i kind of think.. many people blame God for it... well.. i feel you all should really read Matt's blog(tag) and you'll know more. :) well... reading the papers really make it more and more depressing :S and heart wrenching... pray! everyone Pray for them! yup.. actually nothing would change all that's happened ... indeed everything happened in His will, but we can pray for mercy and always trust in Him! trust how He would handle this disaster. yup. lastly.... guess this is another wake up call for us, hey! He is returning soon, really soon... what are you still waiting for?! trust in Him. do NOT let yourself backslide... you're just sO close to your road to heaven =) hope to see all mY friends there too~!

This is something on what i've said above its quoted!

These are signs of His coming...
~False christs and prophets who will deceive many (Matt. 24:5, 11).
~Wars and rumors of wars (vs. 6).
~Political turmoil, famine, disease and earthquakes (vs. 7).
~Martyrdom, betrayals within families (vss. 9, 10).
~The regathering of elect Israel (a believing remnant) from the four corners of the earth (vs. 31).
~Days like unto the days of Noah (vss. 37-39).
~A ten nation confederacy of the revived Roman Empire (Dan. 2; Rev. 13).
~Construction of the temple in Jerusalem (Dan. 9:26, 27).
~Visible, physical signs in the earth, sun, moon and stars (Lk. 21:25; Joel 2:30, 31).
~Men's hearts failing them for fear (Lk. 21:26).

What do these signs precede? They pave the k way for the coming of the Lord in power and great glory" to redeem a purified Israel and to usher in His Millennial Kingdom upon the earth (Lk. 21:27, 28; Matt. 24:27, 30, 42). Their prophesied literal fulfillment will take place after the believers of the Church Age are removed. Then judgment will "come upon the whole world" (Rev.' 3:10, 11) and these signs will be clearly seen.

more on this article can be read on
God bless~

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