ah.. =x tiredz. not been coimg online! haha.. well, past few days.. not bad. had lotsa fun =D ya.. well, yesterday went for ex-presidents wake. whoo.. i was super tired after that. couldn't blame if u had to wait 1 1/2 hours in the sun queuing all the way till P.S, wearing the school tie, couldn't talk lame stuff,couldn't laugh but sTOne. yup yup. i went there practically like mm.. met my pri sch teacher and my pri school students, MrS cHriStinE wonG *cough cough* and the sec 2 councillors of bP!! =D haha.. yupyup. miss them ah.. last time this type of crap job always exco sent de. haha =p ya. brings me to haa.. investiture coming ler. sent invitation to Mr tan Hak sOon to come .. lol. purposely dun address to mrs wong. mean huh =p haha and miaN qiang.. i wrote mrs ong's name there too la.. *cough* haha..yeah. yesterday super tired ah. couldn't even study for my test when i reached home, somemore after the council loNg meeting. haha. lucky they postponed the econs test!! yup. today got back physics test =( i failed!! faILED!!! ya.. no actually my friends still tell me "u pass la.. 18/20 means 45/100-- a level pass" .. wah~ no lo.. its still fail. no excuse.=( sigh..my physics!! i must pia! at least my previous maths test not that bad.. 15/20. today's maths test shouLD be 10/10 =D heh.. if nothing goes wrong..... well, recently, been trying hard to study hard, not sleep during lessons (erm.. quite hard la.. haha but spencer will keep on using the pen to hit me when i sleep). yeah. shall not be discouraged bout my physics. Jia you jia you!! today... nothing much. had lessons till 3.30.. den it raiNED!!! sO heavily that i just stayed in school to do homework to wait for the rain to stop =D though after a certain time just gave up and walk in the rain~ haha.. yupyup. mmm.. talked to a few ppl today.. Connie, ser Xing.. ya.. mm.. don't know what to say la... but i think my Gp teacher makes alot of sense. we were doing the topic on youth. my extended mind map states "Youth is the most difficult period", "its a period which we are pledge with insecurities", "its a period which we think/doubt our future", "a period which we don't know who to trust"... i think its really truE.. yah.. siGh* that's what our life is about.. both of u seem rather fan ya.. take care~ must leave life kai xin. don't worry. shall add on soon ya.. gtg eat dinner! noW~! 05/05/05 -- nice date ya~! haha should had posted at 05:05:05... haha yupyup..ciao. jie miSs u~! and.... *......* *haiz*
*back* haha.. yup. never mind. wanted to drone on about my GP lessons. they're really interesting lessons! make you really think bout life stuff. =) sometimes make alot of sense. ya. haha. especially the talks on *ahem* haha.. things that make the GP teacher blush.. haha its funny lo. but ya... i should snap my mindmap some day and put it here =D yupyup! thats all for now ba! =D 05/05/05!!! keAi!!!